
Sick again!

Poor guy! Brady came up to me yesterday and said "mom, my head feels hot". I took his temperature and it was 102. YIKES! Here we go again! Gosh I hope it doesn't venture to the others. Here it is sunday and still a fever. Him and I stayed home from church and he did let me take a picture of him. He's so beautiful! I know, I know, not supposed to call boys beautiful. But I sure think he is. Ok until next time!


  1. He is...but don't tell him I said so. His eyes are stunning. Love the shot of the 3 boys below, and your new header with the good lookin' guy!

  2. The eyes in this are gorgeous, Anita! Nice to see you back in POTD land. The blog looks great. Hope Brady feels better soon.

  3. What I would give for those eyes!!

  4. He sure is good looking! Those eyes are to die for.

  5. Oh my gosh, yes! He is one handsome (beautiful ;) ) young man! I sure hope he is feeling better soon.

  6. He is a handsome guy. I hope he feels better soon.

  7. So sorry he isn't feeling well. Having sick kids (no matter how old they are) is hard for mammas.

  8. He is very handsome! I hope he gets better quickly.

  9. Wow - he is a good lookin' kid! Beautiful eyes! Hope he feels better soon...

  10. Glad you decided to join us again!! Your son is so cute!!

  11. He has gorgeous eyes! I hope he feels better soon!

  12. Nice to see you back again, and I'm excited about seeing pictures of your kids, how they've changed over this past year. And your son continues to be strikingly handsome! I like your DOF in this photo.

  13. He has such gorgeous eyes! I hope the sickness passes over your family quickly.
